Frequently Asked Questions

You've been looking everywhere for these elusive answers.

You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers…. that is SO CORNY. Eventually I’ll come up with something better to write here. Or maybe I’ll leave this here in an attempt to come off as “more approachable” and “more fun” and totally not weird at all. Is it working?

Do you have set hours?
Nope! I don’t like alarms and I’m a night owl anyway. If we’re working together, expect to see a lot of 8 pm emails.
Where are you located?
Miami; Brickell specifically. If we need to meet I’m a fan of coffee and libraries in the area, or I can come to you!
I'm not in Miami, can you still build my website?
Well, of course! I have Skype, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, and a fancy 21st century device called an iPhone that makes me pretty easy to reach no matter where I’m at.
What are your rates?
Truly every project is different, but here are some ballpark figures: websites tend to fall in the $3,000-$6,000 range, branding elements generally start around $500, and email marketing starts around $200 per month. I’m also available at an hourly rate if the circumstances are right.
What's your policy on revisions?
There’s a difference between revisions and wiping the slate clean. Small revisions: bring em on. Saying things like “I decided I don’t like this anymore and want to start from the beginning” is okay once, but after that a fee will apply.
How long do websites take?
Again, depends! Could take as little as a few weeks, could take a few months. It depends on what stage your business is in; more infantile businesses tend to take a little longer to get the ideas organized.
What are the rules for the free consultation?
You must be a NEW client, but that’s about it. If you want to call me and talk about your relationship problems I’m game; it’s really not my forté but I’m intrigued so bring it on.
Do people really ask these questions?
Most of them, yep.
Can you bring Thug to our meeting?
Yes. Always yes.